All posts filed under: General Convention

First full day of Convention – no news yet.

General Convention

Quick note on Wed. Morning. Yesterday was the longest first day of Convention that I’ve ever experienced. I suppose that’s a good thing. Last Convention – in Columbus – we effectively ran out the clock in the end by not attacking the work we had before us agressively in the beginning of Convention. By the time resolutions with any substance started making their way out of committees and on to the floor, we were well […]

A word to the world?

General Convention

Karen, Kenney and I spent last night at Disneyland. We had a blast. I finally got to visit the park for the first time in my life. I’d been reading about it since I was a child but I’ve only been out to LA a few times in my life and Disneyland never really figured in my plans before. I was watching the fireworks finale at the end, marveling at the choreography between the explosions […]

General Convention Guide in PDF format

General Convention

Looking for the General Convention Guide in good ole PDF format, suitable for reading on all sorts of devices? You can find it right here. If you’d be more interested in the Adobe AIR version… Well, you’ll find that here. It’s useful to have at any rate – it has the calendar of events and the daily legislative schedule.

Lighten your load

General Convention

Quick note as I’m finishing up packing up my “office” for the trip to Anaheim. It turns out that pretty much all the big publications that deputies will need access to on the floor can be downloaded to be stored on a computer. The Blue Book and the Bishop’s and Deputies Handbooks are online from the General Convention website. The Report of the Church Pension Group, with the additional information about the proposed resolutions to […]

Questions about Health Insurance in the Episcopal Church

General Convention

I just got a nice mailing from the Church Pension Fund regarding the proposed legislation that would create a single national health plan for Episcopal Church employees. As of the moment each diocese (and in some places each parish) makes their own arrangements. In some cases the diocese decides to use the health insurance plans offered by the Pension Group. That’s what we do here in Arizona. In other cases dioceses make their own arrangements […]

Quick test of the blogging software

General Convention

So, I’m just checking to see if I have my software configured properly. As annoying as it many bugs are, I still keep coming back to MacJournal to write my longer blog posts. It’s a great little program for writing while one is offline – and since there’s very little connectivity on the floor of the House of Deputies during General Convention – that’s how I’ll be writing down most of my observations. Once you […]

All Anaheim, all the time

General Convention

I quipped the other day that I’m starting to think about the General Convention in Anaheim pretty much all the time right now. The start is less than a week away as I write this, and things are heating up a bit. There are a couple of important things that I really think we’re going to need to ask ourselves, and they’re not things I’ve seen mentioned elsewhere. 1. Is it possible for the General […]

Ubuntu Mix

General Convention / Music

My friend Mel Ahlborn, the driving force behind ECVA, has created the following iTunes mix for General Convention. (It’s comprised of the tunes that will be quietly played as people are coming into the worship space and before the beginning of the preludes for the daily eucharists in Anaheim.)