An Empire unlike any earthly one

Sermons and audio

Cross on a hill SBI 300278687God’s Realm, Jesus’ Kingdom, is different than the earthly ones. It isn’t different because it’s unreal, otherworldly or some sort of fairy tale. It’s different because it’s built on a radically different foundation. Liberation and Peace come not through military triumph, but through love, service and self-sacrifice. It’s the essential characteristic of the God we worship. It’s fitting that the cross has become the symbol of our faith.

God’s love is self-sacrificial. God’s love is outward directed, not inwardly directed. God isn’t insisting on self-homage. God is asking us to follow – because that’s the only way to truly have life.

The Author

Episcopal bishop, dad, astronomer, erstwhile dancer...

1 Comment

  1. Leila Gill says

    Thank you for this message, the Holy Spirit as always ever-further illuminating the Truth who is Jesus Christ.

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