Christmas 2014


“Bethlehem has opened Eden: Come, let us see! We have found joy hidden! Come, let us take possession of the paradise within the cave.

There the unwatered stem has appeared, from which forgiveness blossoms forth! There the undug well is found from which David longed to drink of old! There the Virgin has borne a child, and at once the thirst of Adam and David is made to cease.

Therefore let us hasten to this place where for our sake the eternal God was born as a little child!”

Anonymous from the hymn, Ikos of the Nativity of the Lord

May the Christ Child be fully present to you in this season of Christmas, and may you and your family be blessed in the coming year. Thank you for your prayers this past year.


The Author

Episcopal bishop, dad, astronomer, erstwhile dancer...


  1. May the hope that was born
    that silent, holy night remain
               in your heart
           throughout the year.

             Merry Christmas

              Richard & Ron

  2. Mary Johnstone says

    Dear Bishop Nicholas –

    Thank you for your meditations on Entangled States. Always welcome & refreshing!

    Best wishes for a Holy & Joyful Christmas Eve, a relaxed Christmas Day & more adventures in Christ in 2015, covered by God’s grace, energy, & inspiration.

    With love & prayers,


    Sent from my iPhone


  3. New musicals says

    Hi Bishop Knisely. I made a tentative offer regarding the slave museum if all goes well with my Black and Irish musical play on Broadway. I expected a response because of the potential money involved for the project and just need to know if you received my email. Regards. Robert Greeley 714-293-3380 Date: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 17:24:29 +0000 To:

    • If you sent it to me Robert, I didn’t receive it. The office will be closed until after New Year’s Day. Perhaps you might try again?

  4. I enjoy reading your postings of “entangled states” I am eager to learn more as my spiritual journey continues.
    Thank you,
    GODS blessing to you and your family.
    Jane Frey

  5. Father Peter D'Alesandre + says

    There the un-researched thesis falsifies the accepted theory

    There the un-derived synthetic a-priori is its own proof

    There the where-and-when becomes the always here-and-now

    There our sought-after loving has become our realized being-loved

    Now the Kenosis of the Cross is anticipated by the Kenosis of the flesh
    God’s Blessing once more upon you,+Nick and your family

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