All posts filed under: General Convention

In Praise of Anglican Fudge (Yes, No, and Maybe)

Centrists / General Convention / Religion

“Let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ be ‘No’.” I’ve noticed more and more people using this phrase lately. It’s an injunction from Our Lord (Matt 5:37) and, as such, needs to be taken seriously. I know that I try to. When I’m asked a direct yes or no question, and there is any way for me to answer it directly, I answer it either “yes” or “no”. I imagine the reason that we’re […]

Towards an Anglican Covenant – ACO

Centrists / General Convention / Religion

Posted here: “At their meeting in March 2006, the Joint Standing Committee of the Anglican Consultative Council and of the Primates’ Meeting considered how the proposal in s117-120 of the Windsor Report for an Anglican Covenant could be carried forward. They commended the paper ‘Towards an Anglican Covenant’, which had been presented to them as basis for discussion and reflection in the Communion. The paper is now available on the website.” Let the reading begin. […]

Compromise on a Modified Compromise… (edited)

General Convention / Religion

Kendall Harmon has pointed out rightly that the report from the Special Commission to the General Convention of the Episcopal Church is in effect an attempt to enact a compromise onto what was already a compromise. That started me thinking. One of the other recommendations of the Windsor Report was that Bishops would cease sending missionary clergy to reach out to the disaffected within the boundaries of other Anglican provinces. (cf Sec. D, Para. 155). […]

General Convention News Sources – updated

Current Affairs / General Convention

A couple of days ago I posted a partial list of web sites that I thought would be useful for people to be reading during General Convention. I’ve updated that list today to reflect input that I’ve had both people all around the Church. There are a number of additional “conservative” sources as well as a couple of additional “progressive” sources. I also forgot to include The Living Church as one of my primary news […]

The real danger to the Anglican Communion is our arrogance.

Centrists / General Convention / Religion

The real danger to the Anglican Communion is not the controversy about what to do with the ministry of gay and lesbian people within the Church. It is bound up in the way that some of us refuse to see each other as “real” Christians. Our decision to dismiss and objectify people with whom we disagree, whether they be left, right, gay, straight, American, African or whatever, is fundamentally changing the nature of this branch […]

Interesting conjecture by Jim Naughton

General Convention / Religion

Jim, who has worked in the secular media for years, and who is now the Communications Director for the Diocese of Washington, makes the following observation in regards to a story published earlier today. The story claimed that The Episcopal Church was about to blind-sided by an Anglican Covenant that would reduce our role within the Communion to that of a second-class or limited status. Against anxiety: “So, for example, if I were a conservative […]

We need your help…

Current Affairs / General Convention / Religion

I had a note from Bowie Snodgrass today (who is the Web Content editor for the Episcopal Church website.) They are working to rebuild the “Visitor’s Center” on the website. As part of that, the web team is asking folks some questions about their perceptions of the Episcopal Church and its place in the world. They are especially keen to find out who among the Anglicans in history are the most notable. If you can […]

General Convention news coverage (updated)

Current Affairs / General Convention

(Note: edited and updated lists on June 13, 2006) As we draw closer to General Convention, I’ve had a number of requests from people in our parish and in our diocese for a list of blogs and other online news sources about Convention. News Outlets: General Convention News Site (New!) Episcopal News Service The Living Church Anglicans Online News Centre Thinking Anglicans On the “Progressive” side The Daily Episcopalian (new name!) The Witness Father Jake […]

Civility in debate. Please?

Centrists / General Convention / Religion

Great post over on “The Blog of Daniel” by Jim Naughton. He knows what he’s talking about from his first hand experience with his blog site. Kudos to Kendall Harmon as well (for whom I have a great deal of respect as a communicator committed to this particular form of ministry.) I read Kendall’s blog a couple of times a day – check it out if you’re interested in keeping up on what the loyal […]

More on the “plain meaning of Scripture”

General Convention / Religion

Don’s post the other day to the House of Bishops and Deputies was astartling and sobering reminder to me of why the methods of interpreting scripture (hermeneutics) matter. There have been a series of posts out on the blog-sphere over the past couple of weeks decrying the use of the meta-narrative method of understanding Holy Scripture to support the actions of the 2003 General Convention. The key idea to the argument was that the Church […]