Dr. Greib reports to the HoB on the Covenant

Current Affairs

Dr. Katherine Greib, who was one of two clergy from TEC who served on the Covenant design project late last year, reported to the House of Bishops on the work she was a part of and went on to make some recommendations for the HoB to consider:

Link: Episcopal News Service.

I suggest that we enter a five-year period of fasting from full participation in the Anglican Communion to give us all time to think and to listen more carefully to one another. I think we should engage in prayerful non-participation in global meetings (in Lambeth, in the Anglican Consultative Council, in other Communion committee meetings) or, if invited to do so, send observers who could comment, if asked, on the matter under discussion. We should continue on the local level to send money and people wherever they are wanted. (This is not about taking our marbles and going home.) We need to remain wholly engaged in the mission of the church, as closely tied as we are allowed to the See of Canterbury and to the Anglican Communion as a whole. But we should absent ourselves from positions of leadership, stepping out of the room, so that the discussions of the Anglican Communion about itself can go on without spending any more time on our situation which has preoccupied it.

There’s much more on the ENS website as well as notes from the lecture of her co-worker Dr. Ephraim Radner.

The Author

Episcopal bishop, dad, astronomer, erstwhile dancer...


  1. That *is* interesting isn’t it? Someone on HoB/D email said that two members of the ACI board are also members of the IRD – does anyone know who the other person is?

  2. Paul Martin says

    The board of the IRD is listed on their website here. You may recognize more of the names than I do.

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