We need a new kind of Presiding Bishop


We need a new kind of Presiding Bishop

I agree with what Andy+ has written here. I believe that Bishop Griswold has done an extraordinary job in attempting to steer this denomination through a very perilous strait. But, as we enter a century which will be defined by the ever increasing ability to communicate, we as a church are going to have focus on our ability to use the new tech. Andy+ makes his point well.

We Need a Public Presiding Bishop: “We have an opportunity with the election of our next Presiding Bishop to change how we present ourselves to ourselves and to the public at large. We have a chance to reach out to the Public Square with all the tools that this age has to offer. To do this, we will need a different kind of Presiding Bishop.

I don’t mean this to be in any way a slight to those who have held the office up until now, certainly not the current presiding bishop. Our Primate, the Most Rev. Frank Griswold, has done everything he knows how to hold the dynamic center together. He is now beginning to speak the truth about what has been happening in the church since before the last General Convention, and I admire him for that. His situation has been close to impossible with people imputing motives and painting him in malicious characterizations. He has not risen to the debate.

The fact that we are in a new age of communication and, within the church as a whole, the evangelicals have mastered it much more than we have.”

There’s lots more on Andrew’s blog.

(Via andrew plus.)

The Author

Episcopal bishop, dad, astronomer, erstwhile dancer...